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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

AKF Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:drool5: Drool5 Drool5
:leaving: Leaving Leaving
:icon_bs: Icon Bs Icon Bs
:iamwithstupid: Iamwithstupid Iamwithstupid
:iagree: Iagree Iagree
:hurray: Hurray Hurray
:hat: Hat Hat
:grouphug: Grouphug Grouphug
:gnorsi: Gnorsi Gnorsi
:dupe: Dupe Dupe
:lurk5: Lurk5 Lurk5
:driving: Driving Driving
:cuss: Cuss Cuss
:coolgleamA: CoolgleamA CoolgleamA
:conehead: Conehead Conehead
:chillpill: Chillpill Chillpill
:Chevy_anim: Chevy Anim Chevy Anim
:cheers2: Cheers2 Cheers2
:boxing_smiley: Boxing Smiley Boxing Smiley
:rofl: Rofl Rofl
:willy_nilly: Willy Nilly Willy Nilly
:troll: Troll Troll
:toetap05: Toetap05 Toetap05
:svengo: Svengo Svengo
:spam: Spam Spam
:smilielol5: Smilielol5 Smilielol5
:smash: Smash Smash
:sifone: Sifone Sifone
:seeya: Seeya Seeya
:blush5: Blush5 Blush5
:redface: Redface Redface
:reddevil: Reddevil Reddevil
:rant: Rant Rant
:puke: Puke Puke
:piggy: Piggy Piggy
:patriot: Patriot Patriot
:party: Party Party
:nopity: Nopity Nopity
:biggrinjester: Biggrinjester Biggrinjester
:bigear: Bigear Bigear
:beatdeadhorse5: Beatdeadhorse5 Beatdeadhorse5
:banghead: Banghead Banghead
:auto: Auto Auto
:Angel_anim: Angel Anim Angel Anim
:angelsad2: Angelsad2 Angelsad2
:ack2: Ack2 Ack2
Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:lobster Lobster Lobster
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:welcome Welcome Welcome
:crab Crab Crab
:censor Censored Censored
:badair Badair Badair
:coffee Coffee Coffee
:( Frown Frown
:mad: Mad Mad
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
;) Wink Wink
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:) Smile Smile
:banned Banned Banned
:group Grouphug Grouphug
:brews Brews Brews
:hello Hello Hello
:carrot Carrot Carrot
:banana Banana Banana
:thumbup ThumbUp ThumbUp
:spam Spam Spam
:worthy Not Worthy Not Worthy
:confused: Confused Confused
:stir Stir Stir
:rocker Rocker Rocker
:dollar Dollar Dollar
:bday Birthday Birthday
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:cool: Cool Cool
:eek: EEK! EEK!

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