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StocktonDon 06-15-2006 05:15 AM

Fishing vest worn over pfd?
I am considering a fishing vest to be worn over my pfd. I want handier storage and access to fishing gear, camera, etc.

Thoughts? Comments?


SteveC 06-15-2006 07:51 AM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?
Extrasport makes a fishing pfd with a bunch of pockets. I think NRS carries them.


Piranha 06-15-2006 04:30 PM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?
I use one of these! It's great. I only use my regular vest for surf fishing. Hotchkiss also uses this vest/PFD! Mine has about three more pockets than this model, if I find a site, I'll post it! Piranha:badair

PerryC 06-15-2006 04:40 PM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?
You could wear a fishing vest over a PFD, but just be aware that if you hit the drink with your Vest/PFD on, your PFD will probably ride up on you and the more stuff you have in your front pockets, the more you may have to lay on when you re-enter your kayak.

After you flip your kayak upside down, typically you reach across it and flip it back over back over without hitting yourself in the head with it (consequently cracking your nut). With it right side up, you typically scoot across on your belly over the seating area until your butt is close to the seat bucket then swing your keister back into it. Once on top again, gather up your rods that had leashes on them (or say good-bye to the $600 worth of rods that had no leashes in deep water) grab your paddle (again, if you have a leash) let out a few choice words about the incident (only if witnessed by someone who knows you), and see if you have any fish on. When you end up in the drink, I really doubt if you will consider what's in your front pockets, so maybe less is more? Just a thought,

StocktonDon 06-19-2006 10:22 PM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?
My Extrasport Retroglide has the best strap / fit /adjustment system I could find, and it has two great pockets plus a couple attachment points. But my survival / emergency gear will take up all that.

The angler - type vests do not have the fit / strap system.

I want to be able to take off the fishing vest for storage and travel, both in and out of the kayak. I also want to be able to use it to fish from shore or wading.

The mesh-type vests with built-in and add-on "zingers" or mini-gear-leashes really appeal to me.

Some have cautioned against compromising the worth of the pfd, but what is the difference between a loaded angler-type pfd and a pfd plus removable angling vest?

PerryC 06-20-2006 07:51 PM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?
I think the real difference is the angling vest, which I also wear at times would be on the OUTSIDE of the PFD. As far as weight goes, I would think it would be the same whether is PFD pockets or fishing vest.

FYI: A few years back, there was alot of controversy in the sport about wearing waders when you fish. To wear or not to wear them, if you would sink or float while wearing them and went into the drink, and a few verbal jabs here and there towards the guy who said you could wear them with no ill effects (which would be Quietman). What I saw was alot of people passing around opinions not really based upon real facts, just what they heard secondhand, who also passed around what they heard thirdhand :badair

To really find out a safety related question, no matter how simple of a question it seems, I would suggest you contact the PFD manufacturer of yours, or a few of them and see what they say, and get it right from the horses mouth sorta speak. When you do get a definitive answer, please let us know. I've never had the question come up here before. Thanks in advance,
Perry :coffee

Incredible 06-22-2006 08:58 PM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?
I do not know what the manufacturer reccomendation would be on this and regardless of what the popular opinions are, you are the one who will be wearing the gear and have to manage it. I test everything in controlled water first. 15th Street in Newport is a good spot to try out gear and technique. Make sure you can right your boat and re-board in water just over your head, see how your flotation holds you in the water while relaxed, check out gear accessability etc. Do this with everything rigged the way you will use it out on the water. This way if things don't go well you can walk right out onto the beach instead of being surprised off shore. Remember everything should be smooth and easy in a controlled environment. If a technique is difficult in a controlled environment when you are calm it will be next to impossible in rough conditions when you are taken by surprise.

Hope this helps


StocktonDon 06-24-2006 12:48 PM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?
All good thoughts, thanks.

Still mulling it over. Going to look at the Extrasport Osprey pfd.

Piranha 06-27-2006 12:01 PM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?
Check this out! $42 on sale! Piranha

gone_fishing 03-11-2007 09:45 PM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?

Originally Posted by Piranha (Post 352)
I use one of these! It's great. I only use my regular vest for surf fishing. Hotchkiss also uses this vest/PFD! Mine has about three more pockets than this model, if I find a site, I'll post it! Piranha:badair

I tried the link without success. I think this may be the link. Name&order=ASC


Piranha 03-12-2007 10:20 PM

Re: Fishing vest worn over pfd?
Now only $36! Good deal!:banana

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