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ktkiff 09-23-2013 07:20 PM

Thoughts on Nucanoe?

I apologize if this should be posted in a different section. I am new to the forums. I am currently in the market for a new kayak. I currently have an Old Town Dirigo 10'6. I have had no complaints with it. But I have been investigating some of the more expensive SOT with foot pedals, and the Nucanoe classic or Frontier. I am leaning towards the Frontier because I have two small kids and my wife will let me justify the price because of the kids. There are a lot of positive reviews, but some extremely negative ones about hybrids. I mainly fish small lakes and resevoirs, but have recently fished quite a bit on Lake Erie (no more than a mile out) Here are some questions I have. And any comparisons you can make to my Dirigo would be great. A lot of people have said the tracking isn't great due to the size, but you have to remember I am used to a Dirigo, not some of the flashier SOT's.

1. How does it handle in the wind? This is my biggest pet pieve getting blown around and having to adjust all the time. I know it's inevitable in a yak, but would it be better or worse than my Dirigo?

2. Can I take it out on Lake Erie? I am not dumb, I won't go out in big waves. Probably nothing bigger than 2 footers. Someone wrote a blog and said the videos you see with hybrids are staged on calm water. But I have seen quite a few on rougher waves.

3. How does it track? Once again, remember I am used to the Dirigo. Will I even notice a big difference?

4. Can I really stand up on it? I'm 5'7, 150 lbs, great shape and very athletic.

I am sure I have more questions, but these are my biggest concerns. I plan on trying it out, but I know I won't be able to try it out on Lake Erie and that is my biggest concern because it's rarely ideal conditions out there. I appreciate any feedback.

liana 09-20-2014 03:24 AM

Re: Thoughts on Nucanoe?
This time we'll be my yak--a Hobie Revo.

Interested--let me know.

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