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seatech 12-26-2006 11:33 PM

Catalina Bass'n Bugs - 12/26
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Took a late 10am start this morning and headed over to Catalina with my oldest son Ryan for a bit of lobster hooping.

Expectations were running high as we zipped across the channel at 35 mph, just a beautiful day out there. Trolled the frontside and made enough bait in about 45 minutes.

This gave us the opportunity to get in some calico fishing before the sun went down. Hit a few spots for about 10 fish in the 2-4lb range. No photos as my photographer was in a Bonine induced coma on the leaning post.

No worries though as he was up before we put out the first nets, which all came up empty. Made a move to a spot down the island and 4th pull produced 3 legals and 1 short, we were stoked, first lobsters on the new boat!

Made about 6 more pulls for a total of 6 legals and 4 shorts, plus a 5 foot moray eel and a 2 foot moray eel.

Out of there by 7:00pm with 6 legals in the bait well. I was quite happy with this condsidering this was my first attempt at hooping.

Ryan was a trooper, helped clean the boat and bugs. Here are 5 of the 6 bugs scheduled for a seating around the grill tomorrow night!

Question, does anyone use the leftover bug body parts for their next hooping trip?


slayersmith 12-27-2006 07:51 AM

Re: Catalina Bass'n Bugs - 12/26

What a great day on the water! Great post and pictures!

How deep were you pulling? What were you using for bait? Macs/bonita?

I like to steam the bugs, BBQ is good also.

I don't know about using the rest of the bug for bait, I guess u could pull the guts out and use them.

Post some pictures of your new boat.

Take it easy!


seatech 12-27-2006 08:47 AM

Re: Catalina Bass'n Bugs - 12/26
Thanks Aaron!

We used bonita and some old yellowfin tuna for bait and were in 20-40 feet of water. The best pull (4 lobsters) came in 20 feet right next to an isolated rock/lump with kelp on it. The wind blew us off it in the dark and I couldn't locate it a second time, but just fished the general area around it.

One thing I noticed is the bugs ate all the bonita parts with the exception of the heads.

Oh, the "new boat" quote may be a bit off. I've had it since June but this was the first attempt at hooping, but here are few pics:


slayersmith 12-27-2006 02:59 PM

Re: Catalina Bass'n Bugs - 12/26

What size boat is it, 18 foot? How was the ride back from Catalina at night? I bet a little spooky!

From the pics looks like you live in a pretty nice neighborhood, Let me guess, PV?

Bugs love fresh bonita, not suprised it was all gone. I think fresh bonita is one of best bug baits you could use. If you keep buggin out of your boat your gonna want to install a Scotty trap eez it makes pulling hoops alot eezier, especialy if you are using the new promar conical nets.

Take it easy!


seatech 12-27-2006 03:20 PM

Re: Catalina Bass'n Bugs - 12/26
The ride back was great. The weather was so clear that the LA Shipyards provided plenty of light to see what was in the water, plus the wind/swell laid down. We could even see lights on the top of PV from Catalina!

For years I have been driving friends big boats down 75-100 miles out of San Diego overnight on Tuna runs, so I know where my comfort zone is being out at night. But you are right, being in an 18 foot boat at night makes you realize just how big the ocean is.

We live in Huntington Beach, PV is too high a rent district for me :D but the area we live in is pretty nice.


slayersmith 12-28-2006 07:44 AM

Re: Catalina Bass'n Bugs - 12/26

Do you kayak fish or just fish out of the boat? I guess once you fish out of the boat you get spoiled, so many more places to access, back side of PV, catalina, Etc.

Where do you launch from that you can come back in the evening? I know Redondo closes at about 5 or 6 and cabrillo closes at 10pm. I think there is a launch by the queen mary that stays open is that were you launch? Just curious.

Take it easy!


seatech 12-28-2006 08:07 AM

Re: Catalina Bass'n Bugs - 12/26

I still kayak fish and float tube. No as much since I got the boat but still yak HH quite a bit and float tube the Sierras in the Spring, Summer and Fall.

I usually launch out of Huntingtin Harbor at Sunset Aquatics as that is only 5 minutes from my house.

I have also launched out of Davies and South Shores launch ramps in Long Beach. All 3 ramps are open 24x7.


slayersmith 12-29-2006 09:16 AM

Re: Catalina Bass'n Bugs - 12/26

That's awsome that you have a launch 5 minutes from the house.

Thanks for the info.

Have a Great New year!

Take it easy!


PerryC 12-29-2006 09:51 PM

Re: Catalina Bass'n Bugs - 12/26
Thanks for the awesome report and I bet Ryan was stoked :thumbup I don't know of anyone who uses left over bug parts for their next hooping trip. That's not saying nobody does, just I haven't heard of it. Please gimme a ring when you get back.

Perry :coffee

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