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Buttchaser 06-28-2010 09:36 AM

La jolla
Ah I love it!

Do you ever get that feeling that you wished you had more time to spend down in San Diego , I Do! Being 2 hours away , and always Drained when I make a drive down south just kills me , I mean waking up or getting no sleep what so ever makes the drive back home So painful .....

Last week I booked a hotel down in San Diego , The plan was to fish as much as possible !
It's Wednesday morning , :auto: I make the drive down south at 2 am , Get down to the launch and in the water by 430 am. To my surprise , There was quite a few people out there already .
Making bait was not part of the game plan , I decided to skip out on making bait since I brought some of my own... I get to an area that I like to fish just past the reserve and and Dropped a bait down and grab another rod and start chucking some Iron , Well on this morning it was not meant to be for me , I Caught some calico's and barracuda but nothing that I was targeting........... I did see a couple of guys that hooked up and landed some fish .......Which kept me motivated for an evening session .. I was off the water by 1030 am and off to check in to the hotel.

Later on in the day I went back out for an evening session, I made a few pieces of bait , bait was hard to come by. Not much going , But I did see a nice Fish caught .... we were off the water by 1130pm .

On Thursday morning , I slept in ! I did go out for an evening session , I Meet up with Gabe at the launch at 430pm , and we went out and made some bait , Fishing was slow for the next few hours .

At at sun Down, we were fishing with the fleet , The Guy next to us on a Boat Hooked up , But it turned out to be a Bat Ray .
A few minutes later I'm watching My Fish finder and see some marks down Low .

So I reeled in My line and Dropped my bait straight down
Instant Tapp Tapp Tapp, I reel in the slack and The Rod loaded up , Set the Hook and it was game On ... This fish Fought Like a Bat ray , Long Run straight and away , and then Headed up towards the surface and some more long runs .I finally Turned the Head of the fish and Gained some Line and it came to surface , I was tripping Out when i seen it was a C bass......... 41 Lbs 51 "

Not Much Going on the rest of the night so we called it a Night at 1130pm .

Friday Morning was Tough , Feeling lazy with not much sleep, I decided to skip the Morning session and wait to fish the Evening With Don ... Same old story , We launched at about 430 pm made some bait . And waited for some life! Well , By 8pm I was feeling Drained , and Tired , so I decided it was time to call it a night and head for home , so I gave up all my bait and said my good bye and wished Don Luck..........
I was back home by midnight......

The trip down was fun , I had a Blast fishing with My cousin Minh , ANDY , Gabe and Don :brews The only problem now is I wish I was out fishing :sifone:

baitcasterboy20 06-28-2010 11:27 AM

Re: La jolla
Beatiful fish and nice report, now you have a motivator to go down to san diego :)

ful-rac 06-28-2010 12:23 PM

Re: La jolla
NICE JOHN!!! Hey what hotel did you stay at? I'm gonna have to get down there and make a weekend out of it too. Nice fish congrats!


kobra 06-28-2010 03:32 PM

Re: La jolla
Congrats on an awesome fish bro. Your hard work paid off big time.

Lit-up1 06-29-2010 04:00 PM

Re: La jolla
Saw John with something yellow this AM

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