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Old 04-18-2010, 10:23 AM
ortiznsd ortiznsd is offline
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Default Re: Mission Bay OEX Tournament Report

A BIG thank you to OEX: Andy, Brent, Steve G., Nate, Rick, Tommy G. for the food, Margarita Mike, the weigh boat crew, and everyone else that volunteered their time and energy.
Congrats to Robert and the top ten!!
I had a great time seeing everyone out on the water and it is always great seeing new faces. Winning some swag makes the day a little brighter.... We are fortunate to have the sponsors step up to the plate....SO A BIG THANKS TO THEM TOO!
As the scores show that fishing is not as easy as we all think it is, but thats fishing. The areas that were holding fish two weeks ago were vacant...I didn't know that fish went on Spring Break too anyways that just teaches us to have plan B and plan C. Thanks again Chuck and Marg. Mike for helping me out.

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